Yuko Hasegawa





From the Warring States Period to the Edo Period, armor developed uniquely as a symbol of a warrior's pride and strength on the battlefield.
The aesthetics of armor, which made full use of craftsmanship and innovative design, as well as its functionality as protective gear and the development of engineering, can be seen in the development of armor. In "Kacchu Anatomy: The aesthetics of design and engineering," these fascinating aspects were exhibited together with sneakers designed by HATRA x MAGARIMONO and sneaker armor by Shinichi Mita. In addition, through the video by Rhizomatiks, which digitally analyzed the details and structure of the armor, and the spatial design by Nyle Ketting, which connects the armor to the reality of the modern human body, the armor begins to speak to us today. Official catalog (in English).

そこには、工芸的な技巧と斬新な意匠を駆使した美学と、防具としての機能性やエンジニアリングの発達がみらる。“甲冑の解剖術ー意匠とエンジニアリングの美学”では,これらの魅力がHATRA×MAGARIMONOがデザインしたスニーカー、三田真一によるスニーカー甲冑とともに展示された。さらに、細部や構造をデジタル解析したライゾマティクスによる映像や、甲冑を現代人の身体のリアリティにしなやかにつなげるナイル・ケティングの空間デザインを通して、現在の私たちに甲冑が語り始める。 公式カタログ(英文併記)。