50th International Exhibition of Art Venice Biennale (Japan Pavilion)
ヘテロトピアス - 抵抗とネゴシエーションの場
Venue : Venice Biennale 2003 ,50th International Exhibition of Art, Japan Pavilion
会場 : 第50回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ(日本館)
Organization : The Japan Foundation
主催 : The Japan Foundation
Artists :
Yutaka Sone, Motohiko Odani
アーティスト :
Yutaka Sone, Motohiko Odani
Other Spaces
Heterotopia signifies hetero topos, or ather spaces, and is word thatcan be interpreted in a number of different ways. When we refer toa place that is not here but another place, this could be many things - aplace that is out of the ordinary, the fringe or the incorrect place. In contrast to utopia, with its symbolic meaning of an ideal place which exists nowhere, heterotopia, signifies an actual place somewhere, whether it is ideal or not. Various theories on other spaces are emerging from the growing interestin the fringe and the other as a result of a reconsideration of modernism! The preoccupation with the outdated word topos represents a resistance to the virtual world and to phenomena with a tenuous relationship with reality that is found in our globalism and media-driven information- oriented society. For example, Michel Foucault describes utopia and heterotopia as peculiar spaces that at once relates to, and contradicts, other sites, and also, as other spaces that deviate from the everyday. Although utopia is an imaginary place that does not exist in reality, heterotopia exists among actual institutions and systems, transporting people away from reality. Prisons, mental hospitals, oriental gardens, fair grounds, libraries, museums, colonies and ships are discussed extensively, following the 6 rules associated with heterotopologie’ Foucault theorizes that heterotopia, lying on the periphery of modernity,constantly threatens the certainty and closed nature of modernity, bringing it to the brink of destruction. Although Homi Bhabha's concept of Third Space is similar, Foucault's theory transcends topographical location-politics. Unlike the fringe or third space, the word heterotopia, with its familiarity as a medical or ecological term, is also associated with an abnormal state. Ectopia, or an organ that isn't its normal place in the body, or the ecological term heterogony signify heterotopia as different or incorrect sites. Consequently, however, they are also predictors of transformation, catalysts which give normalcy a jot. The utopian projects and debates of the beginning of the last century are ‘once again becoming popular today, at the beginning of the 21st century, at a time when the frameworks of values and concepts are about to undergo a restructuring. However, the accumulation and reconstruction of a life-sized reality, a schizophrenic creation that is the result of Unpredictable events and events viewed in terms of location-politics and philosophical positions that differ according to the individual, means that in this contemporary world we are ideologically unable to share utopia - an ideal space that is impossible by definition to realize. Heterotopia takes on utopia'’s role in the 20th century as a functioning concept in the 20th century but in the context of today’s reality. In other words, heterotopia is a concept that questions how the existing condition (the present situation) should be approached, stimulated and dissimilated and deconstructed into something else through spaces found in reality.
Heterotopic and schizophrenic Japan
The Heterotopias exhibition is an attempt to reveal two aspects of heterotopia through the spaces created by the work of these two artists. Heterotopia as external spaces working from the fringe to threaten the figidity of mainstream modernism and heterotopia which, transcending systems, politics and the notion of right or wrong, results in an ecological transformation or mutation Japan can be said to be heterotopic in many ways. Not only is it geographically on the fringe, but itis an island that lies in the Far East which voraciously samples a wide range of cultures, ignoring the original contexts and reconstituting them - Japanizing them - by placing them within a radically different and unique context. As a metaphor, this image is represented by Tokyo, where many radically different spaces ‘come together, becoming chaotically intertwined. The very embodiment of rampant heterotopic growth, here we can see the unrestrained manifestations of intensely hybridized subcultures. When seen from the topos of modernism, these are peculiar and external spaces that continue to exist as other-spaces. Here we can see a blend of many different styles and periods. The tiny shrines that are sandwiched between high-rise buildings, the latest computer placed in a tatami room, digital culture with its connections to animism ... these are all chaotic and schizophrenic blends
The landscape and the body as found in other-spaces
Both Yutaka Sone and Motohiko Odani are artists who create real spaces through their sculptures and installations of moving images. If the theme underlying Sone's work is the meta-landscape that appears as a result of the involvement of people and nature, then the theme underlying Odani’s work would be the new sensations and new theories of the body, exploring the nature of the transformation that can be forced, the nature of the dreams that result from our physical involvement with the increasing complexity of the media environment and information society. The spaces that Sone and Odani create through their work are “‘counter-sites’ that embody their host culture and at the same time dissent, causing that culture to stumble. These can be defined as being outside of all places, even though it may be. possible to indicate their location in reality.” (Foucault) Sone, by rendering the elusive form of the jungle in sculpture, is attempting to confirm his relative place. And Odani attempts to sculpt air by depicting flowing water and wind. This is also a supremely sensitive and acute way of affirming one's physical space and what it is that affects one’s skin and nerves. Both Sone and Odani's work are related to a reconstruction of and search for a relationship between ‘oneself and the world, one’s physical and social position and the whereabouts of one’s sensory nerves. Moreover, their methodology and viewpoint has been greatly influenced by the outrageous blending, transformation, contextual deconstruction and reconstruction as well as the deconstruction-in-progress that continues, without any sign of completion, through the process of change that has been created by the heterotopic place called Japan Watching Sone and Odani at work is like watching a sculptor starting to carve out a place in the world without any warning or intention, ending up creating an air pocket-like space. And although this space is closed to a degree, it has a hole that enables one to enter and to leave. Sone’s journey is very much like the travels of Sun Wukong’ - schizophrenic, intermittent and featuring great flights and leaps. Based on the video footage of scenes from Night Bus (1995) that he asked his friends to record, Sone went on to develop the theme of night scenes. He conceived of a film, the theme of which was to be Hong Kong Island (1998) at night, producing only a storyboard and completing the project in the form of a marble sculpture. Sone then produced A Beautiful Day (2001) by using a sculpture, the intention of which was to depict people skiing and surfing, Then, the Himalayas were represented as a small snowcapped mountain on a snowfield, and using this, he ended Up cteating a silver maquette of a (20 meters) monument to the form of amusement called the slide. From one material to another, from the ‘scale of a landscape to a miniature scale, from a sculptural space to a ‘temporal landscape. In Sone's work, everything is connected and yet continues to change, to journey and a series of different sized topos continues to be created. And, into Sone’s space enters the observer. In this space, intermittence and continuity, a blending of everything and the ambiguity of boundaries are all tolerated. Through the sculpting of his material and through the sensibilities of the observer, Odani sculpts = reconstructs - the observer's awareness and nerve cells. To carve the pleats of a skirt floating on water, into wood. This equates to carving water, and is something that is incompatible with our understanding of materiality. The numerous images etched into the skin of the human figure carved in wood represent the duality of the primitive human form and the virtual human form created through information. Odani carves, into wood, the speed of water falling in a waterfall. This is a representation of speed as we see it that enables us to analyze the world by pausing time. Our sensibility and perception are reconstructed in the topos created by Odani. And the subcultures that have been gathered and blended through this perception, altered pathologically into a digital-baroque perception, examines the collection of the fragments of tradition, and the equally placed references to them. This can be compared to a giant scrap heap from which a life form with a heterogeneous perception appears. Odani, while breathing in a topos that isn’t an ideal place, that is a heterotopia, distorts his sensibility to the highest degree of complexity and attempts to transcend the limitations of pre-modernist and modernist sculpture The stumbling and fall of viewpoints, awareness and values. A region where every kind of fall and every kind of protest takes place, where ambiguity and indeterminacy are regarded as having great value. In this heterotopia, the /andscape and the body are revealed for the first time. Through the strength of this topos, Sone and Odani are attempting to sublate the limits of imagination and creativity.
Yuko Hasegaw "Heterotopias"(Excerpt from the catalog text)
例えば、ミシェル・フーコーは、あらゆる他の場所と関係しながらも同時にそれとは矛盾する奇妙な場、日常生活から逸脱する「他なる場」 (outerspaces)としてユートピアとヘテロトピアを挙げる。ユートピアは現実には存在しない思考の中の空間であるが、ヘテロトピアは実際の施設や制度の中に現実に存在しながら、人々を現実から運びさる場である。そこでは、監獄、霜神病院からオリエントの庭、フェアグラウンド、図書館や博物館、植民地や船などがヘテロトポトジーにまつわる6つの諸原則にそって広範に語られている。*2 そこで、ヘテロトピアはモダニテイの周縁的な場として、モダニテイの閉じた状態と確実性をつねに崩壊の危槻にさらすものとして論じられている。ホミ・パ_ハの「第3の空間」といった概念も同様に槻能するが、地理的なロケ_ションポリテクス以上のものをこの概念は含んでいる。単なる周縁や第3の空間とは異なり、「ヘテロトピア」という言葉は医学用語や生態学の方に親近性があるように、異常な状態をも連想させる言葉でもある。臓器などがあるべき位置にない、位置具常や生態学の異常生殖は、具なった一間違った場所としてのヘテロトピアを意味する。しかしそれは同様に正常とよばれる状態に対する変具の予兆、揺さぶりの因子をも指し示している。価値観や概念の枠が再構築されようとしている21世紀のはじめのいま、前世紀のはじめになされたようにユートピア的なプロジェクトや議論がさかんになっている。だが、等身大のリアリテイの集積と再構築、つまり予測不可能な出来事や個々が異なったロケーションポリテイクスおよび思想的な「ポジション」にもとづく視点から振察された出来事に よって、スキゾフレニックに構成された「現在の世界」においてはもはや、我々は、現実にはない「理想的な場所」;ユートピアを観念的に共有することはできない。ヘテロトピアは20世紀にユートピアが機能概念として果たしてきた役割を、現在のリアリテイをもって、ひきうけるものである。すなわち、これは、いかに「現実に存在する空間」をとおして、現状(いまある状況)に働きかけ、これを刺激し、具化し、「他なるものにむけて」脱構築することができるかを問う概念なのである。
冒根の旅はスキゾフレニックでとてつもない断続性と飛躍を内包する孫悟空*3 の旅そのものである。彼は、友人に夜行バスからの風景をとってもらったビデオから、夜景のテーマを発展させ、香港島の夜景をテーマにした映画を桐想絵コンテだけをかき、最後に大理石彫刻として完結させてしまう。スキーやサーフィンの姿と槻能をめざした彫刻、それを実際に使って作り上げた「ABeautifulDay」(2001)、ヒマラヤマウンテンを小さな雪山として雪原につくり、そのフォームをもとに滑り台になるアミューズメントのモニュメント(20メートルにもおよぶ)の銀色のマケットをつくってしまう。素材から別の素材へ、風景のスケールから極小のスケールヘ、彫刻的空間から時間風景へ、曽根の作品はすべてつながりながら次々と変化、「旅」をし、大きさのちがうトポスを次々とつくりだしていく。観客は彼の空間にはいる。それは断読と連続、すべてのものの混在と境界の曖昧さを許容する空間なのである。
小谷は素材を彫ることで、見るものの感覚を通して、その意識と神経細胞を彫刻ー再構築する。水に浮かんだスカートの嬰を木で彫る、それは水を彫ることであり、物質性に対する我々の意識をさかなでする。木彫の人体の肌の表面に彫りつけられたおびただしいイメージは、原始的な身体と、惰報じよって形成されたバーチャルな身体という 我々の身体の2重性の表象である。滝の流れ落ちる水のスピードを木で彫る。それはストップモーシ三ンで世界を解析できる我々の目がみる「スピード」の表象なのだ。小谷のつくりあげるトボスの中で我々の感覚や知覚意識は再構成される。そしてその病的にデジタルバロック化された知覚によって収集され、混合されたサプカルチャーが伝統の断片、すべて等価に置かれたそれらのリファランスの集積を見るのだ。それは異種の知覚意識をもった生き物がたちあらわれる巨大なジャンクの山にたとえられる。小谷は悪い場所としての、異常生殖地としてのトポスに呼吸しつつ、そこで感覚をもっとも複雑に歪曲させながら、プレモダンとモダニスム彫刻の限界を越えようとしているのだ。
Yuko Hasegaw "Heterotopias"(Excerpt from the catalog text)